Stop in for a drink.

Ok when I hit reply the box opens for me to type my message .under the message are is post reply upload photos more options. No black bar what am I missing.

PM Joey, it could just be a glitch that some users are noticing. I've heard of other ones that have affected a few users.

try to jump the starter relay and see if it will crank over. If it does, then it should start with the key in the ignition and jumping the relay if you have to.

Also check all the connections for the positive wires all the way to the starter, including the ones on the relay.

If the post on the starter relay is loose, then I would change the relay. I have one that has a loose post and needs to be changed on the one that we are rewiring... A loose post will do that.

when you hear it click, it's a low battery or loose connection where it can't get enough power across...

Thanks Karl. I'll check all of the connections, maybe I just missed something.

The post I was referring to was the small post on the starter. I noticed when I was installing the wire to that post the post spun easily. I was having a hell of a time when I was removing the starter getting that wire off. It just fell like I was spinning the whole post.