Ernestina was...

Got a friend out of town with a bunch of feral cats. They all have one name "coyote sandwich". A lot of them get turned into coyote poop.

Know a guy who used to farm. Sold the farm to his son and moved up the hill into the small town. Town's near a rez, the rez dogs are barely dogs. More like feral half breeds. They hunt and kill anything they can, including deer. Notorious for attacking kids. Baby/toddler got killed once a few years ago I think. Anyways. Dad's sitting there watching tv. Get's a call from the neighbour. Neighbour raises goats. Some rez dog got into the pen and killed a bunch of them. He chased it off and it was headed down the street towards the Dads house. Dad run's to the front door. Grabs his win .300 mag, kicks the door open and BLAM. Catches the dog side profile right across the street. Cartwheels it into the ditch, just about split in half. RC's didn't even bother showing up. **** like that happens all the time out there. No one on the rez gives a **** about their animals.