Totally agree with your advice! It brought a trip down memory lane though as I got into the hobby years ago after my older brother bought the Tamiya Grasshopper. He then upgraded it to the oil filled shocks the Hornet came with and ditched the RS380 motor for a Kyosho 480 Gold motor. That thing screamed. I bought a Hornet a few years later and then the Tamiya Thundershot. They were fun cars to play with. My parents kept all the RC cars when my brother and were interested in the real thing and they sat in their attic. When my parents moved into a condo last year my brother and I brought the cars back with us and we'll bust them out when our kids are a little older. It's good to see Tamiya is re-releasing all the classics as they bank on us wanting our kids to have some neat toys instead of an iPad/computer games. I was also into the Tyco/AFX slot cars and my parents kept all that stuff too. It was really neat going through the cars, track pieces (cliff hanger, etc) and making a circuit to test it out after all these years. When my 6 year old is ready in a year or two I'll be racing the slot cars with him before graduating to the Tamiya RC cars!