Which heads are best

Looking up the pistons.... I get a static CR of 11.2 with the 65 cc Edelbrock RPM Performers and .051" thick head gaskets. Mmmmmm..... not gonna run that with a mild cam and pump gas!

Even with the stock open chamber heads like suggested, opened up to 74 cc's, it is still at 10.2 SCR. It would take 74 cc heads and .100" thick head gaskets to get down to 9.2 SCR. I'm not even sure you can keep that thick a gasket under the head. (And anyone, please doublecheck my numbers...)

I have actually run a 10.2 engine with open chambers and a torque cam (gobs of idle vacuum) with premium fuel, but cam timing was straight up (no advance) and the ignition advance was limited and slow ot come in. That did not matter so much as the torque cam made up for a lot of that. But that puts you in territory where you need to be careful about detonation with that kind of SCR.

So it looks like stock heads with the chambers opened up a bit, as Moper said.