Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Awesome looking wheels! Glad to see you're still "here".

Thanks 69_340_GTS.

The wallet's gotten pretty thin so reconditioning old parts is about the only way I'll ever be able to finish the funny. My son's got deeper pockets so the Charger & Roadrunner will still see a healthy cash flow.

I am not opposed to the site changes but I maintain that it's had a devastating effect on old picture intensive threads. Without photos to view there aren't many of the past threads I feel like reading. I know most pictures can be seen by clicking links to them but it ends up taking a ton of effort if you do it as much as I do. I've stopped searching any of the old unread threads that I used to peruse. I think the loss of readily view-able pics has all but killed them off. Eventually enough new threads will take their place. I have still thought about dropping this thread and starting over.