596 casting or 308 casting for mild 360 4bbl

Nice job M body. Doing that yourself is a home run. Now, for the folks that can't, won't or do not want to be bothered in doing it themselves, a W2 head flows in this area more or less. There are some OOTB flow tests around the web. It's a lot of work to learn and port your own iron heads but only costs as much as the tool and bits to do the job. (More or less) and a new set of heads cost money! It's allways a catch 22.

I hear and read experianced head porters spend 40 (plus) hours porting a set of iron heads. And YOU, will take a bit longer due to learning and finding your way around the head in terms of what works and doesn't. (Purchasing a second set of heads could be a result!) Now comes the second catch 22. Port your iron heads or purchase new heads? The cost is close. And money is the easy part. Just the hardest to part with.