Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Yeah, John. I know what you mean about the software update. Just try to work through it. I find myself not coming here as often, but if it wasn't for this place I wouldn't have met great people like you. I too am bad about not backing up my files and pictures, I need to start doing as well.

I wasn't one of the first members of FABO so I don't know how it originally looked. When I did join I was impressed with the way it was set up. There are tons of websites that were clunky, inconvenient, and didn't provide near as many features. The guys that created this site did a fantastic job. I don't mean to criticize the efforts they've made in this last upgrade and I do realize there have been some improvements. There are some bugs that still need to be worked out. It is really a shame that it's had such an impact on the old threads though.

I agree with you about having made great contacts with guys I wouldn't have otherwise. When you couple that with the site being a good source for finding parts and information, - it's no wonder why we've become big fans.

If the site were ever to close it would be difficult (if not impossible) to find another to replace the void. Although I tend to own Chrysler products I sometimes build others and will visit some brand X sites. I haven't seen any that compare in quality. I even like the fact that FABO doesn't try to run people off that make non-Mopar posts.

I guess I'll keep working on the back up of the info I've been storing here.