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when I was born, a doctor actually pointed at me to my parents and said "this one will likely not make it" because I am the second baby of twins and I was undersized.

HA!!! in your face doctor!!!!! I am alive and kicking....shows how much he knows :icon_fU::icon_fU:

I bet a dollar that there are 2 reasons that doctor said that.

1. He was an Indian doctor filled with presumptive arrogance
2. You were a girl and therefore shouldn't be given much consideration or concern for your health and well-being.

I am immersed in the Indian culture in the Pharmaceutical industry and have found some things to be universally true within the Indian culture...and I'm always stunned by the complete lack of logic in a lot of it.

Most of the first generation Indian women (born in the US) that I work with are highly capable and motivated where the first gen men are filled with an attitude of entitlement that is very often far beyond what their actual capability merits. We refer to them as JAFI.

Just Another F'in Indian.