Stop in for a cup of coffee

yikes :wtf: I never heard that before...but I actually know the attitude you are talking about from the men.

I get that same attitude from them when they are born in the US....they act like I am below them because I was born in the old country and got here out of sheer luck and circumstance. (like it matters) I originally resisted coming to the US because I was scared and young and I didn't know what to expect.

no one told me the streets are paved with mopars or else I would have come sooner.

That attitude is very common from the first gen men in my experience. I worked with an Indian Senior VP of Global Supply who hired a young Indian Woman (from India, not first gen) who had earned her Ph.D. from Rutgers in Chemical Engineering with honors and then promptly made her an administrative assistant doing nothing more than scheduling meetings, doing photocopying and bookkeeping for his staff.

He was an ultimate example of JAFI. For me and the majority of my colleagues, if you are capable you get treated as such. Your gender or ethnicity is irrelevant. Know your stuff and you get recognized...and we get seriously pissed off at the kind of attitude and treatment I described above. We eventually got him fired and helped her get a new job doing what she was skilled in.

This is America Jack, play that kind **** and we will break our foot off in your self-entitled Royal Azz!