Copperhead + Timber Rattler

the king snake RRR he is KING! he will eat any snake ( maybe his mate????)... ha

years back I had a car buddy, he was always draggin home some kinda mopar. he called and said he had a real nice 69 runner, roller. cheap!!!! (my kind), so I hook up the traer to make the 4 hr run, I get there before he gets home from work, i'm crawling all under and over and around it. real solid car, i'm ecited. staright but there is an obvious fresh bullet hole in the side of the left rear quarter.

he drives up as I crawl from under it. tells me how he got it home and found a BIG copperhead in the trunk. a big honkin 44 mag made the hole. Ha
I keep a 410 pistol just for this purpose. Rattlesnakes are very common out here.