Father-Daughter 75 Dart Restoration

Coming from the daughter in the daddy daughter restore. Please keep an open mind to what SHE wants in the car. If SHE doesn't want all original, be open to the idea and not shut her down immediately. When my dad and I started our project, I was 10 years old. We built it together, slowly, and I drove my 1972 Dodge Dart swinger on my 16th b-day. I loved the car, but wished I could do some things "different". At the age of 17 1/2, I was involved in a driver to driver head on and my car was totaled. (my car saved my life, as I saved my cars life at the age of 10 when she was on the way to scrap)

Not able to look at my car, my dad stored licorice at my god fathers home. 5 years later, I wanted her back. And so we begun the process again. Except this time we were doing it from ground up.. Powder coat, under carriage, ALL of it. Being older and using my own money, I wanted to change a few things and add my touch to it. My dad was not having it. It started so much drama and animosity between us, that we both walked away from the car, and each other, for almost 2 years. Since this time, I have taken the car back and started building licorice, totally MY way. My money, my ideas and with no ones negative comments. I will have the big reveal when she is completed.

I wish you lots of luck and happy times. There will also be many tears and blood shed. Its going to be totally worth it. I have my own forum with my results and process and ideas for licorice. Would love for you to follow, as I will follow you.

Welcome, from Phx, AZ
Thank you so much for the advice. What part of Phoenix are you from? I grew up on the border between Phoenix and Glendale. I could not agree more on letting her choose what she wants. It started with the plum metallic purple paint she picked out. Not my first choice but she likes it. My hope is that if she buys into the car then she will take care of it but, as you pointed out, she will not buy in if I make all the decisions on what it will ultimately look like. Thanks again and I will post as we go along.