Mike's '67 Fastback Featuring Super Slow Progress

Now a frame question for the viewers, I asked in the chassis sub-forum and didn't get a reply. I have attached a picture of where the front of the passenger side rear frame rail attaches to the floor pan. This doesn't look right to me with the gap.


What it is supposed to be is that the floorpan at the rear footwell area overlaps the rear seat pan area, this creates a boxed frame that ties to the framerails and the rockers The piece that appears missing off your car is the front half of the rear seat pan where it boxes in underneath the rear floorpan behind the footwell.

Heres pix. Disregard the subframe connectors on mine and look at the green circled area. Notice with the body plugs out in this area , you can see another piece of sheetmetal in the body plug holes, this is the overlapped floorpan. This creates the box member that ties the front half of the framerails to the rockers.

