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I dunno .....Laila my 75 dart has a 318 in it. Someone already V8 swapped it for me but it came to me missing the intake manifold and carb/ air cleaner

So the engine was sitting missing an intake for quite some time. There was a plastic bag over it and it doesn't look bad.

The previous owner told me the engine ran fine before someone robbed the carb and intake, who knows how long ago.

I am tempted to clean it up and slap my 360 intake and TQ/ air cleaner on it and see if it runs. Worse case, I would be out an intake gasket set. Best case, the previous owner is telling me the truth and I get it running while I build the 360.
oh - the car isn't running? I would take the chance - like you said, worst case - you waste a little time and it has to come apart may however get a happy surprise and have a running car in just a couple of hours..