65 Valiant now gauges go full when ignition key turned or running

I found my RTE voltage limiter along with another temp and fuel gauge in my garage today. So I looked at the limiter that I currently have on the instrument cluster installed in the car and it's the one Instrument Specialties converted to solid state. So I swapped out the limiter today with the RTE limiter I found and now the gauge don't go to full when I turn on the engine, they don't move at all. I tried to do the the 1965 Plymouth voltage limiter test by probing the temp sender wire while engine running and the test light didn't flash, it didn't even light up. So I called Instrument Specialties and they said it's not going to because it's solid state now. I did unplug the temp sender wire on the head and verified it did have power going to it. So I thought maybe now the temp gauge might be working so I started it and let it run until the radiator got hot to the touch. But the temp gauge didn't move at all. The fuel gauge didn't move at all either. I can imagine the fuel gauge sending unit being grounded bad because that ground strap isn't very good. I verified turning on the headlights and dimming the lights but the gauges didn't go to full. So at least I know that now. Maybe I have two more fried gauges after spending all that money getting them redone. I have two more spare gauges and I think they're bad too. All the instrument cluster lights work, the oil light works, signal, bright lights. So I think that means the ground is good on the cluster? When you say to run a dedicated ground from the cluster to the steering column, where does it mount on the instrument cluster? Does it mount on the screw that holds the metal cluster to the bezel or do I put it under one of the circuit board screws?
Full continuous 12 volts to those 2 gauges will fry them. First thing I would look at is how the regulator is connected and mounted. Your description suggests everything else is working properly.
And I agree that those LEDs that cant be seen are silly. That regulator should include wire length to mount it remotely / out where it can be seen. Flashing LEDs to accompany the pegged instruments ? Still silly.