11.75" slider brake caliper brackets

I should have just kept my fingers of the keyboard in the beginning when replying that i have a pair of mounts for sale in the "For Sale" section of this forum.
Should have been a big red flag to me when someone states they are looking "on the cheap" for parts.
Guess I'm still learning lessions in my old age, not to reply to anything like that anymore.
When i put a search into ebay for mounts, this Dr. Diff vendor, sellers, ad did not come up in my search, for his price.
Ebay's search paramaters don't work the best, all the time.
Anyway, to the op, would my 15 bucks, over Dr. Diff's price have broken your piggy bank, or depleated your bank account, when searching for parts, or buying them?
For 40+ year old cars showing up in wrecking yards anymore, even for here in Northern California, is a rareity.
Can't even find a rear wheel drive vehicle of anything anymore, in the rows and rows of Chrysler products at the Pick-N-Pull's here in my state.
Then if you can find something of this vintage on your own, after all this time, more power to you.
Anyway, this reply will just bump your posting back to the top of the pile.

That's pretty much why I prefaced it with "cheap." Nothing wrong with fishing for a good deal, in my book (got a really nice unsilenced '68 air cleaner here that way).

Don't feel bad about it though, I really do appriciate that you dropped in to let me know - not everyone scans this forum to help out their fellow forum members.

We still get some F/M/J stuff at our one and only junkyard in town (way too much old Ford and Chevy rather than Mopar). If you're going out there with something specific in mind, you probably won't find it, but if you just go to pick up anything good with no rhyme or reason, you'll find stuff. What peeves me is MDPD and MPD had Diplomats and Grand Fury police cars out the wazoo, but they vanished. Neighbor did say something about two still languishing in the fleet though - I'll buy both if the county wants to part with them!

If I have to bite the bullet at the usual price, I'll probably go straight to originals - Cass responded to my email and said the new ones are made in Taiwan. The new ones are "plated" (with what?) to prevent corrosion, unlike the originals, but I'd rather run the originals given this knowledge.

Thanks for the well wishes on the hunt. More fun to hunt this stuff down anyway.
