Motoblag's '71 Duster

Cleaned out the garage, starting with moving a shelf into the shed with a bunch of crap to go on it:

Getting better. Ramps up and out of the way, too:

Duster work hooray! Hood latch and support:

Oh god it's been a while since this was registered:

Popped the clips off the inner fender and cleaned it up a lot with that 3M disc, then cleaned and painted:

Just slow that bleeding.

Hood latch and support after evaporust and paint:

The mussy stuff on there is either evaporust I didn't clean off right or something else. Since this part might show I'll actually sand and repaint the mucky areas. Hood latch assembly still works fine, not gummed up by paint like I was concerned about.

Brake pedal rod after paint. Still see some vise marks but eh nobody is going to see it:

A lot of the Duster work is cleaning rust off things and hitting with paint since the damned car seems to exude corrosion.