Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Karl !!! Sons Dart is lookin GREAT !!

That's not my son's Dart, that's Eddie's Dart, he's a local guy that I met through FABO who wanted help building and installing his engine. We are becoming good friends building this. He likes to do things right like me... :thumbsup:
The kids each still have their Valiant 4 doors (68 & 71). :steering:

We found the elusive "red head" that we've been looking for for months two days ago. We need that head for the oldest boy's 72 Challenger engine... :thankyou:

Eddie likes building engines so much, he wants to come back and help us when we build ours after his is done. The trouble is, it takes so long to drive. He lives about 35 miles from me, but the traffic sucks. Even on non rush hour, it takes about an hour. One night when he left during rush hour, it took him 2 hours to get home... He lives close to O'hare airport and the traffic sucks up there on I-90.... I'm trying to get him to buy the a--hole neighbor's house.... :poke: