Stop in for a cup of coffee

She is usally good staying on the property. She does visit the neighbor across the street to play with their pointers and gets a cookie from them. She is hard to get out of the pond though trying to get the ducks! funny to watch.

The two Dalmatians that I had when I was married loved to go for a swim. My brother lived off a lake and when I would visit him, they liked to go splash in the water to cool off in the summer. They couldn't be near the water 5-10 minutes before jumping in. They loved the water... Luckily with their short hair, they would dry off within an hour...

Dad bought a kiddy pool for them in his back yard so they could cool off in summer. My female would jump in the pool, lower her belly in the water, then stick her nose under water and blow bubbles and drink some water when she brought her head up.... Funny to watch...