Motor Mount modifications for 340/360 into Early A
Thought I would add to this old post... I am installing a 360 into my 65 Dart. I went to use the passenger side mount from the 1965 273 and found the same problem where the passenger side ears on the 273 are two holes in the back and one in the front. where the 360 is two in the front and one in the back. Thought I would share some pics. I plan to add a triangle piece to the 273 mount to fix my problem. The dirty engine is the 273 passenger side and the clean red engine is passenger side 360.. I plan to square up the right side of the mount and add a hole. The Driver side I used washers to make up the space using the wider 273 mount on the 360 engine..
ngle piece to 273 mount to use all 3 holes on the 360..