LATE model Dart love. 73-6
The problem i have isnt so much the styling of the 73 to 76 A bodies, its the fact that the Fed in collusion with the insurance companies came up with the 5 mph impact standard. Whereby at 5mph impacts the vehicles should show no damage.
While this is a great idea in theory, it added weight to the vehicles and required the engineers and stylists to try to come up with something that would pass the new motor vehicle standard and look somewhat decent.
This is what you get when the fed is allowed to dictate automotive design. This is a microcosm of how effed up our government is by allowing the fed to get involved in anything and everything instead of just providing for defence of our country. Somehow i doubt the chrysler engineers would have styled these cars this way if the 5mph impact standard wasnt made law.
This being said, i dont think they look that bad all things concidered. Personally i think the dart grille and front end looks cleaner and more finished than the more busier grille and humped up hood on the duster and valiant.
Dig the 5mph impact bumpers on the beaks of some of these 74s from other manufacturers. The camaro has one heck of a schnozz on it too. Now thats a super beak. I believe chevy used anodized aluminum on their bumpers to offset the weight from the steel support structure it was required to have. Dig the 100lbs of crap hanging off the 74 ford torino. These were both good looking cars until 1974. Both victims of the same law.