Whats the deal with 340s?

I thought I heard my name?
My 360 is bored to 4.04. I have a stroked 340;cuz it has a the extra .267 stroke. It's not that fast tho, cuz it spins 295s all the way to 93 mph, which is how slow it goes in the 1/8th. I painted it Orange like my old 340.All Orange. Orange from top to bottom. I stopped calling it a 360. Now I call it my stroker 340. People used to talk down to my 360, now the rave about my stroker 340.
My stroker 340 breaks those 295s loose at 30 mph. and at 40. and at 50. But I don't think it has enough torque to do it at 60, cuz its fast running outta rpm. If I have to shift, I think it will not have enough torque multiplication. I know in third at 50 she can't break 'em loose anymore.(I should probably get a teener. I bet they have what I need). I love to hammer down my 367, hit 7200 and keep it there til the tires start catching up, then split-shift into 1 O/D and just try and stay in my lane. Then as the tires start to catch up I hit second gear. After a bit, the tires are catching up so I hit 2 O/D and concentrate on keeping it in my lane. After a bit the tires are again catching up,so I put her in third.And then I open the secondaries.
Can you imagine how much faster I could be with a teener. I bet that teener wouldn't waste so much time spinning, and I could open the 4 barrels much sooner. Yup, I needs me a H-O teener. Course she might not like my 3.55s