Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning folks!
sharp. Get some 6013 welding rod. Very good for beginners. Easy to get a arc started. 7014 is a good one as well.
Thanks, Tim. Not sure if the same designations are available here but finding similar ones shouldn't be a problem.

Found out yesterday I have arthritis in both knees-figuring out a rehab plan that does not interfere with car assembly.
That is terrible. Is it chronic or will rehab actually improve it?

The pole looks to be early 19 hundreds. The hair probably from the 30's
Hair from the thirties? Eeewww!

Hot water heater question...the place I'm renting has an 85 gal hot water heater. For the past few days, the water hasn't been as hot as before, and before the end of a normal shower, it's only warm. Do they "partially fail" like this? If so, can it be fixed or will it probably need to be replaced? Is there anything I should try before notifying the management company? Thanks in advance.
If it's electrical it might have more than one heating elements and one of them could certainly fail while the rest are ok. Convection will bring the hotter water to the top of the tank where the drain is so the output will gradually cool as you use up the water.
Replacing the heating element is probably possible but finding parts could be an issue if it's old, idk.