Stop in for a cup of coffee

Oh yeah gloves, long sleeves long pants and sandals!
Really? I thought short sleeves, short pants, thin assembly gloves and Birkenstocks was the thang.
Anyway, put a couple of hours in and now it looks pretty nice! New, heavier cables, proper cable glands and a beefier earthing clamp. Gave it a sponge bath too.
It's AC only but I intend to remedy that eventually.
For all you mechanics out there, here's a little tip:
It's perfectly safe to use soap and water on a thing like this where everything is copper, steel and insulators, even on the inside like I did here. It is important to rinse away all soap residue and let it dry thoroughly, obviously. My welder is drying out in the sun for a few hours now.

When you see a PCB, though, it's very important to keep water out. The water enters into the laminate and will corrode the copper strips eventually. It may work for a long time but it will fail eventually. Trust me, I've worked with electronics repairs.

Transformers, cables and connector blocks are ok in my book. You might want to avoid soap and spraying water directly on more intricate electromechanical stuff like for instance the rotary switch on my welder, the part that's behind the panel.
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