WIW?? 340 4 speed duster. need some honest opinions from you guys.

Honestly Joe..if you want it it's worth it, but if you're not out to fix it, fucked is fucked. How much are you gonna make on core parts?
If it's a parts car only offer $1500 or let it go.

yea not sure... its not every day one drops in your lap so it has me wound up..lol..

i'm figuring right off the bat i'd use in jamies car:

complete 4 speed set up.
steering column.
k-frame and motor mounts
3.23 sure grip center section.

that leaves at the very least that i could sell.
the 340 if i could break it loose. (probably keep that around unless i needed the cash)
340 exhaust manifolds/
8 3/4 rear. complete with maybe a 2.94 open center. would only sell that if i needed the cash.
front disc brakes
rally cluster/dash
whatever odds and ends off it that are still good..