No Spark
OH boy!
We are gonna have to start at the beginning.
Do you know how to find#1 TDC/compression?
This is the TDC mark on the balancer, with the #1 piston at TopDeadCenter on the compression stroke
If yes, then get it done. Then check to see that the rotor is pointing to the frontmost intake bolt on the drivers side. This is very important; Number 1 TDC on compression stroke and rotor pointing to the frontmost intake bolt on the drivers side.
Back up the balancer to 10* advanced.
Loosen the dizzy and push the Vcan towards the firewall, until the nipple is about sitting at 90* to the vehicle centerline, or a little further back.Pop the rotor off. Align the nearest reluctor-vane with the pick-up sensor magnet in the sandwich.If you have to move the dizzy push the Vcan to the rear. Reinstall the rotor.Take a marker and index the side of the dizzy at the spot where the rotor-tip is. Drop the cap on. Find the closest tower to the mark. That will be #1.If the cap is not so marked. push or pull the Vcan to make the correct tower sit above the rotor tip.Then reset the nearest reluctor-vane to the magnet again. Snug the dizzy, and erase the index mark. Reinstall the wires as may be required.Start the car and set the timing