Need Your Help - Trunk Lid Torsion Bar Alternative

Educate me on how to adjust those T bars. My wife's cuda has a problem. If I put the T bar on the middle notch, the trunk lid will not stay up. If I put the t bar end on a higher notch it about takes my face off when I unlock it. I mean it snaps up hard. So, how do I adjust it so It stays open but does not rip my face off when it opens?

I have tried every adjustment possible as far as T-bars go. Low on one side, high on the other, switch that setting from left to right, both low, both middle, both high......I think that tree branch idea may be my last option.

On the tree branch deal, do I remove the small branches and leaves first?

Look carefully at the upper notch that the torsion spring will lock into...if this is cracked/bent/deformed, odds are the spring will not lock and stay in place and if it does stay in place your lid will sag due to the loss of tension...this upper positioning slot also helps align and keep the torsion spring parallel to the plate with the locking holes...damage here can also allow the spring to shift and not stay parallel to the plate, possibily jumping out of the locking holes. Look for bent or even cracked metal in the upper hanger..