^^I already told you guys what I thought of that video.^^
The reason I called you all here

Turns out it's been soundly thrashed by the industry, generally

Those Rohn with the damn foot pegs are one of my favorite things to ***** about. There's a fatality from one of those, as I noted in my thread some time ago

That tower should have a "real ladder." Damn things suck. "I guess" I'll never have to deal with 'em again.

I do admit, tho, that when I was doin this stuff, I'd undoubtedly figured a way around it.

Agree with what you are saying here, a lot of violations and cowboy mentality in that video but it is cool with me because of the crazy factor and someone else is doing it. We are going after the tower again, this time I'm a ground bubba, will rig an 18 foot 217 Mhz antenna for the top of the 150 foot tower if they need it. No Gin Pole so two guys up there to wrestle it into place. My company is talking about putting a ladder on this tower and how we got to where we are in the first place, talk is good, I'll keep beating my drum. We also have a radio cabinet, mounted to a utility pole. Due to right of way, engineers thought it would be OK to mount this cabinet at 25 feet of elevation, it's 7 feet tall with two doors. Guy from the shop was working on his equipment, fell off a tall extension ladder. Investigation concluded technician error. I'm trying to get it lowered. You just should never engineer in hazards, I know that's pie in the sky stuff....