Stop in for a cup of coffee

I just had a telemarketer hang up on me....

Ha, ha, ha....

He didn't like that I called out his scam....

The female robo-voice that calls you states that there is "an emergency on your credit card account - press 1"....

So I press 1 and ask, "what is the emergency on my account?"

He replies (in a middle east Indian accent), "You are paying too much interest on your account"...

I again ask, "What's the emergency on my account?"

He replies, "You are paying too much interest on your account"...

"Ok, but what is the emergency?"

He replies, "You are paying too much interest on your account"...

"Am I over my limit?"

He replies, "You are paying too much interest on your account"...

"What is the emergency, the c*nt on the recording said that I had an emergency... What is it; am I over my limit, did I miss a payment, WTF?"...???

He asks how many credit cards that I have...

I reply, "I don't have any credit cards"....

<<<Click>>> (He hangs up....)