Header Help Please

I bought them specifically for a dart so not sure why so many spots need altered. Welder, plasma, torch yep all three. They are not coated at the moment but I will have them powder coated once I have them fitted.

So you are saying I can close the pipe a little more than half way and it will be ok?

Well, allow it the most room to breathe possible. Look at it this way, it's that or your stock manifolds. I'd expect the headers to perform better even with a few good dents. Go watch that enginemasters video when you get a sec, if only for the entertainment value.

As for coating them, it sounds like you're doing it for aesthetics/rust, not heat. Just thought I'd mention that I have a buddy who swears by baking on BBQ paint. Not gonna do as much for heat as ceramic coating, but it'd be a helluva lot cheaper than powder (unless you have that setup too). Might be something to consider.

It really sucks that they don't fit easier. Sorry about that. Maybe give us a quick spec list so that future builders don't run into the same BS.