Connecting rod squirt holes?

Thanks, I didn't thing about just swapping banks. But I may have another glitch/problem. I have never checked rod side clearance before, so I hope I am doing it right with feeler gauges. Factory specs I found in two different sources show either .006-.014" or .009-.017" (take your pick). I am measuring this: Rod #1 @ .020, #2 @ .025, #3 @ .016, #4 @ .014, #5 @ .020, #6 @ .018, #7 @ .020, #8 @ .020. I am no machinist, but I can't think of anyway to tighten things up. Neither can I think of what would happen if I reassemble the rods with the out of spec clearances. When measuring, I stick the feeler gauge between the side of the rod that is closest to the crankshaft like in some fotos I have seen.
Clearance is per pair.
Rods may have a large chamfer on one side and a small chamfer on the other. The large chamfer goes to the crank cheeks where a large radius may appear. Since your rods are all messed up, the chamfers will be too.Check for damage.