Stop in for a cup of coffee

you have to be pretty ambitious to rebuild the newer cars more so than the old ones. IMO.

I had a 98 Neon R/T and I let a friend drive it (stupid stupid stupid x1000 on my part) ....of course she managed to wedge it hard into the back of a dump truck.

I tried to fix it, had it on a frame machine and all. Replaced the radiator support and most of the frame rail on one side. It was just never right. It wasn't worth it unlike the new chargers and challengers you guys have there, the damage was a lot worse. There was good reason the insurance company totaled my lowly neon and I should have just let go before I wasted a bunch of time and money.

After that experience I promised myself to never get involved with a newer car. The old cars work just fine for me.

Good job on that challenger Mr. TMM!!!
We got lucky. It was totaled so we got it for cheap. The only body parts we replaced and painted was the drivers fender and the front bumper cover. Now the rest is another story. A lot of cradle and suspension as well as a windshield, air bags, and belts. Oh ya, the dash was $1000 alone. The scary part was not knowing whether the engine was good or not. The bottom of the oil pan was gone from the ditch ride. It ran fine though!010 (2).JPG 003a.JPG