Can't get turn signal bulbs in or out?

Is there a spring under the contacts? I know I took my original apart a long time ago and then it never worked again. I can't remember if it actually had a spring under the two contact wires or not. On these used ones I got on ebay I cut back some of the rubber insulation covering the wires going in to stick something in to try and free up the spring. And the little that I can see, I don't see a spring. The portion where you insert the bulbs in is like brand new because I soaked it in rust remover. But the contact button doesn't push in if it's suppose to. Or maybe I'm using the wrong bulb? I'm trying an 1157 but the original is a 1034. Do I need to get a 1034 for it to go it easier? I've soaked many nights with PB blaster and rustoleum rust remover but it doesn't push in and out at all. So that's why I'm wondering is there even a spring there? I didn't want to cut it all apart and ruin it trying to figure out if there's a spring there.