Would a hood scoop help my problem?
Wow! I was just going to scotch brite the hood, primer and paint it a flat black and call it a day. just the flat black primer look like ****. I knew the hood wasn't perfect, but.
all you body men out there, take it easy on me, not a body man, had no intention to go this far. There were sand scratched that looked like they used a big angle head grinder or more like a cut of wheel on it. The original color was red then orange and two thirds of the hood was sprayed this bumpy silver-ish color. that stuff took 60 grit to knock off all the bumps.(look like most of the hood was covered in mosquito bites)
Put 4 rattle can of primer on the hood between the under side and the top. sanded most of that back off trying to get the sand scratches(gouges) down, and that silver stuff. I'm on my third day on this stuff. Pick up some spot putty to fill in all the paint chips and sand scratched that i didn't want to sand thru to the metal. It says it take 20-30
minutes to dry. day 3 still sanding........................