Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well just got back from the most amazing ride with the pop running great got the spedo pinned no bog turned out to need 17 degrees of timing then there was smoke from under the hood, just so happened I was a block away from my daughters, shut it off coasted into her yard, man that thing is a ***** to stop without the vac pump. Now got flames coming out, pop the trunk get the fire extinguisher and then pop the hood with a whoosh! Spray it out, then the fire restarts had just enough PKP left to put it out. Got really lucky it only really burned the wiring and some senders, could have been much worse. I think it has those dam copper coated steel washers on the bajo fitting and they leaked. Great no Carlisle with it, and guess it is time to pull the motor and do the paint. No crap guys will get pics tomorrow when I tow it back. Any one got the bulkhead plugs to the engine compartment? will take used right now. By the way any one with a foam eddy air cleaner get rid of it.


That sucks... At least you got the fire out before more damage could be done...

Try whitepunkonnitro for the connectors. He hooked me up with a nice set for my son's car....