I've had it with cheap Chinese trailer tires!

I work at a trailer manufacturer [boat trailers] we have used Goodyear and Maxis with no issues in the past, we did use Carlisle for a time [we called them "may pops"] we currently are using off brand bias steel belted tires and off brand radials [can't remember names] i can say that in the past the tires we got [from China] smelled like cow manure bad!! I don't think putting LT tires on a trailer is proper, tires for cars and trucks are built different [the side walls] so they are not interchangeable with trailers [i'm sure i'll get some one who will differ with me,i have only been in the trailer business for the last 20+years] Name brand trailer only tires, kept at the proper inflation,1907949_736630789759007_7229780104181865054_n.jpg on a properly loaded trailer should give you no problems!!