Another 69 Dart 340 swinger build

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg So, here's the story of how I got this car. I was on the hunt for a 68-70 340 dart and found one on a local Craigslist. I called and the gentleman said he was on the other line and would call me back in ten minutes. He calls back and says that he just sold it. It was what is was looking for so I was pretty disappointed I missed out. I decide to call him back to see if he had any info on the buyer as he said the guy was going to resell the car and he was out of Texas but would be in California for a week or so. Apparently he did this a couple times a year. I call the guy and he says that he would be interested in selling but that he was heading to the Bay Area to purchase a truck, visit family and would return to my area later in the week. We set up a meeting time over the phone to meet the next Monday so I could look over the car and talk about a possible purchase. I get a call on Sunday night and he says the truck he purchased was having trans issues and he would not make it on Monday because he had to get it repaired. Meanwhile I talked to my brother about the car and he said he saw a 69 dart on a trailer outside him shop a few days before that was pretty nice. He was going to check it out later but the car was gone when he returned. It turns out that the truck was repaired at the trans shop next to my brother's shop earlier that week and it was my car that he saw a couple days earlier. The buyer tells he he is broken down in Fairfield which is close to where my brother lives. I call my brother to see if he can go check the car out since it is probably close to where he is. He says that the same dart he saw a few days ago was back sitting next to his shop. I finally put two and two together and figure out that it's the same car I was looking to purchase. I live about 3 hours away from my brother! The buyer had a rear seal replaced on the truck trans and it started leaking and he took it back to where he got it repaired so they could fix it. So, needless to say, my brother and dad looked the car over and said it was the real deal. After I looked it over, the buyer and I came to an agreement and the rest is history. Here are a few pictures of what it looked like the day I purchased it.