Reverse Osmosis....

You'll need to have some tempering tanks in a warm room , or an electric heater element in the system.
At 57 degrees, I presume you live in an area where you have winter, so solar heating of the water cannot be relied on except from July to October.
The suggestion of moving to Phoenix is the cheapest and most dependable way to get 77 degree water straight out of the ground.
Live in Eastern Washington. Spent 15 very long years in Smogville....aka The Oven....will NEVER live there again.
I talked to the tech guy at Spectrapure a while back...we didn't really discuss the temperature. From what I remember he said that is the culprit in low production. That and now I have lower pressure. Back when I spoke with him I had the well switch & bladder set up so that I had 65psi...just to see if it helped. Which it didn't. I do know that all the basalt we have here creates all kinds of interesting things. Collect a glass of is full of bubbles. Talked to one of the local well drillers...they have done almost all the wells in our area...told me that is basalt "gas". If we don't use any hot water for 12 hours or so you will be greeted with quite a bit of an air pockets.
We also get quite a bit of debris from our well. Pump has a screen, or so the paper work claims. I have a 20 micron filter followed by a 5 micron filter. Not uncommon for the 20 to have sand in the housing. Have talked to several neighbors.. they all have the same problems...