Stop in for a cup of coffee

LOL! That's part of the reason I won't drive after even 1 beer. I'm afraid I will start enjoying the ride too much and get myself into trouble!

I've always made it a rule to never drive after even one. I never had any problems, but I don't want any either. I figure it's just better this way. I don't ever really get drunk, just sort of get to a nice comfortable cruising altitude and stay there for awhile before coming back in for a gentle landing. That way I could drive if I absolutely needed to...but I won't...unless it's an emergency.
One of the nice parts of the motorcycle. The cost of a 'mistake' is catastrophic, therefore zero craziness when riding. Even remotely 'too many' will keep me off the thing. Also, almost never get hassled by the man while riding.. and lastly, even if you got totally shithoused and were still dumb enough to ride, probably only gonna kill yourself..