Attention Panhandlers...

I won't give money. If you're hungry I'll buy you a sandwich. If you need something, I'll buy it for you.

Had a kid come up to me while I was last in Florida.

"Ex..ex..excuse me, sir..." he said through false snifs. "I was sitting in church [nice touch, choir boy] when my mom called and said she'd been arrested. Well, sir, I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday and I don't have a place to go [so, unless your mom is there you can't go home?]. A friend is coming to get me, but that won't be for a few hours and I'm awefully hungry, Sir. Can I have a few dollars to get something to eat?"

So, my cousin comes walking around the corner and the kid repeats the long rehearsed story - word for word - to my cousin.

We all agree that the kid is "hungry." But the kid doesn't agree with him how I'm gonna feed him. He wants a few dollars. I'll buy him a sandwich. Finally, he realizes that's all he's gonna get after a few minutes of debating that he just wants the money.

So, I hand five dollars to my cousin to walk into the store with the kid to buy a sandwich.

From around the corner I hear a very loud, "well, f*** you, then!" and my cousin stalking back to the car.

Once they got around the corner the kid kept going on about how'd he still just wanted the money. "Y'all don't trust a ***** with a dollar."