Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good evening folks (if anyone is around).

I had a great afternoon with the GTS after the bug guys came over and destroyed the yellow jacket ground nest. I took her out for a 2 hour cruise, the weather was perfect. Sunny, 75° with a nice breeze.

First, I can say without a doubt the fender braces make a HUGE difference in how the car rides and handles. Much firmer cruising, over rough roads and cornering is night and day better. I would recommend doing it to anyone with an A-body that doesn't have them.

I also spent a bunch of time fine tuning the carb and timing curve. She runs like melted butter now. Nice idle, smooth off-idle transition and the same coming of throttle. The power curve is about perfect now.

Here is a clip of her idling in the driveway. Like any good music, it's best when you listen through earbuds or good speakers...:)

conversely - the wheel and tires on the truck were my highlight... took the Scamp for a quick shake around the block and bent a push rod.. daaahhhhhfuk