Thanks for the pics. It sure helps to see how everybody is adapting their cars for these transmissions. I like the mods that you and SNKEBIT have done more than most of the examples we found elsewhere.
It rained here Saturday so we didn't make much progress. I ran to the local weld shop to pick up some sheet metal for the tunnel. When I got back we threw a tarp over the car so we could work beneath it and take some measurements. After that a major migraine set in and I was done for the day. I've had a problem for years with recurring sinus infections and things get really nasty when it flares up. Between the paint, fiberglass resin, and bondo fumes and then all the metal grindings I was suffering pretty bad.
It's difficult to describe how bad the pain actually gets. I've fallen out of our hayloft head first onto a concrete floor splattering blood all over the place and shattered my elbow. I've been miserable with toothaches. I've had a couple of concussions from being struck in the head. I've had 2 major heart attacks. - But the migraine pain from these sinus infections is way off the pain scale. I haven't found any meds that will knock it down. It gets so bad that I honestly can not keep myself from moaning or screaming. When it lasts all day I'm really in a world of hurt.
The doctors had thought at first that the infections were initiated in my teeth and spreading to my sinuses but now that the teeth are gone it's obvious that it was the other way around. Even after having all those teeth pulled the infection still tends to spread into my jaws and I still feel the type of tooth pain I had before. I speculate it's what led to the loss of my teeth.
- Enough whining. I'm hoping Sunday will be better.