68" a-body panel alignment from the factory?

Top door hinge doesn't adjust so always start there, as it is a fixed point. Bottom door hinge adjusts in two planes. The one that moves the bottom of the door in are the bolts ON the DOOR through the hinge, as opposed to the bolts under the kick panel that holds the hinge to the door frame (the ones under the kick panel adjust the back of the door up and down in relation to the front of the door). If the bottom of the door sticks out, open the door, use a sharpie to draw a reference line around the hinge on the door, loosen the bolts and push the bottom of the door toward the back of the car the same distance that the door stuck out. The reference line keeps you aware of where the door was originally so that when you slip with the bolts loose you know where you started. It will take a few tries to get it right depending on how nice you want it. If the door fits in back but is now too far in or out in front, adjust the bottom of the fender to match using shim washers (called fender washers). to line up with the door.

Stop beating on your body panels...