help-understand Milleniums?

Generally the boys in that generation only work because they have to but would WAY rather play video games, and is generally all they do when not working.
They want a nice car, but would really like someone to give them one and once they have it they would rather play video games than check the oil or coolant in it.
They tend to think getting hired is all they have to do, and not have to actually do any work.
They think they know everything but have actually done nothing, so in my own opinion we are coming up on having a bunch of people who could tell you all about it but no idea on how to actually get it done.

The girls don't seem to have changed as much.
In their early teens they are still snotty little entitled bitches that can't seem to leave each other alone and stay out of each others business.
They would really like a more responsible boyfriend but they are all playing video games instead of building a life.
It seems the girls are realizing more these days that boys are a detriment to their future instead of a necessity for it.
As productive members of society it looks like the women are going to be the ones to count on for our county's future.

Of course there are exceptions, but this is the tendencies I have seen having four kids (oldest in her 30's, and youngest 25) and 6 grandkids the oldest being 18.
And yes, almost all of them think a phone call or text is a higher priority that the job they are supposed to be doing.