help-understand Milleniums?

good real life info Trail Beast. i'm pretty sure my 4 grandkids, aged 9 to 19 figure i.m a hard, mean, old fashioned, straight talking SOB. ( sorry but there is not a nice word for it! ha)... I politely, say jump, they ask politely "how high? ". No I have never knocked one own their a**. maybe the daughter warned them??
I ne ver even had a cell phone till 10 months ago. the home is heated with wood. we eat real food, not Mc Donalds. get up early and in bed by 8 ha! sometimes 7. we thank the good Lord for each day. and appreciate what we have.

I guess the daughter never let me know what the kids thinks bout the subject of transportation, as no doubt I would not like what he is thinking. whatever it is, I rather know! ha

I would not buy or give him a car no matter how old or cheap ( yea I have plenty that would do), , he would pay for it and learn to fix and maintain it. ha! maybe I will hear nothin! oh well.... ha