help-understand Milleniums?

Easy now guys! It ain't all of us young guys! I was born in '85, got a job wen I was 15yrs old and have been working since! Moved out at 18 on my dime, got married at 20 on my dime, bought my house when I was 25, owned 45+ cars on my dime, taking the wife to Italy next week on my dime! I'm proud to say that I got *** whoopins' when I deserved 'em, was taught respect and the rewards of hard work! I've got two kids, 10 and 7, and they get the same kind of raising I got!

The problem with the majority of these "millennials" is that they haven't been raised right! You take away parents and teachers right to correct and chastise a disobedient child, and this is what you get! This problem started a long time ago when people chose to take the easy way out and let the kids act how they wanted! Now we've got a nation of lazy, entitled, useless, helpless, educated idiots!

It's true, and to be raised right you need to have a parent at home and not have to both be out working to make it.
I hold our government and lack of accountability in our financial system partially responsible for how kids get raised these days.

You guys quit Snivel-in.. Just come to Grip's with the concept that times are changing, It Don't matter if you like it or not !!!!
Your ether going to be engaged with it? Or your just going to be pissed off and sitting around smoldering about it.
I just shack my head and say (Keep Walk'in)... :)

No pissed off and no sniveling about it, just the way it is and recognizing it.
You can't fix anything if everyone ignores that there is a problem and doesn't discuss it.
It's kind of like having a serious race discussion and all goes well until someone cries "racism" and completely ruins the ability to even discuss it.

My daughter (currently 21) has been a go getter as far back as I can remember. At 15 she begged me to work at a local pizza joint so she can make her own money for music. CD's, guitar strings, her own Amp.

Her now husband (6 months older) used his own money to school himself in automotive. He is a mechanic and loves it. Whip smart with an excellent memory. Nether or self righteous or snotty. There currently looking to purchase a house. How many 21 year old married couples do you know looking to purchase a house?

My nephew just came to live with us leaving Fl. Behind. He complained it was to hot and no decent jobs available. His mom decided to remove him from the bad friends curtailing his life. Now away from it all, he seeks a job and signed up for HVAC classes at the local community collage.

Moral of the story?

BE a parent and start with telling them the cold hard truth. You want something, get up off your *** and work towards that goal because no one is going to just give you it. Push them towards a goal and then some. Help them, not hand them.

This is exactly how my youngest Son (25) is.
What's weird is he was the one that caused the most trouble and had the biggest issues with his attitude out of all the rest of them.
Rebellious, angry, aggressive, smart mouth little SOB when he was little, and now the most reasonable and productive kid we have. :D