Would a hood scoop help my problem?

Well here is the skinny!!!
Last race my best to worse et was [email protected] mph to a [email protected] sixtys were 1.887/1.908
This month with the adj altitude 1000 feet higher 9721-9634 foot all day.
[email protected] MPH to a worse of [email protected] sixtys about the same in the 1.885-1.912
The air at a 1000 foot higher, and only down by .08/ on my best run........I think my fresh air experiment was a success!!
Looking to find some more HP and itching to break into the the 7s. i drop my exh (just doing this never helped my et) and installing my header extensions that i had made up awhile ago but hadn't used yet. My first run i ran a [email protected] by the end of the day i pulled of a 8.099.
some of my inconsistence has to do with my starting line routine(how hard i stall it at the line)
Determined to try for that 7.99 with a 9 LOL. I stalled it up as much as it would hole on the line, and launched the car. Just past the tree something when thump and my throttle stuck, momentarily.:wtf: I pulled to the side of the track, thinking that i had broke my transmission. No oil on the track. Yup i knew what i had done. left the hood open, started the car, put it in gear and started to stall it up. the motor lifted off of it motor mount. ****! Drove it back to the trailer and loaded it up.
Time for some better motor mounts!!!!!
Once again, a great day of racing!:D