Health Insurance Sucks

The denial said it was a lack of medical necessity. So I called the hospital billing today and they received the same denial. But they have filed an appeal and said not to worry about it now.
I have a so called "Cadillac Plan" private insurance that I pay about $1300 a month for, but have to fight for any benefits. And then the co-pays and deductibles are high and I have to make payments on it for months. I'm just working to pay for insurance.

First thing, I'm glad to hear that they fixed you up fast and correctly! Everything else is gravy. I hate the insurance companies too! When Hitlary gives us all a single payer system, everyone will be treated just like the VA does to us vets.

Hang in there for now and try not to worry over it. It will get worked out, I'm sure. Prayers sent your way!