Stop in for a cup of coffee

I want to be there early and take advantage of the cooler early hours. probably get through most of the parts area in the AM. Then when it heats up I can wander around and look at cars. Of course when I do that I think of other things I need and end up back at the swap area...

I get caught up in the swap area most of the time also...

First, I go renew my magazine subscriptions and get the latest free t-shirt... I like to collect the t-shirts from each year...

Then to the swap area... We usually get there in the afternoon, as the crew usually sleeps in (they stay up late)...

Then to look at the cars and get some pictures and meet some other fans of your favorite body styles....

Then back to the swap area at the end of the day on Sunday... Many good deals at the end of the show for the stuff they didn't sell.... They will lower the price a little more vs pack it back up and take it home...

But yeah, you gotta jump on the good deals early as they don't last long before someone else will snatch it up.... So get there early, and then make another pass before closing for the best deals...