Help me outrun an AMC Gremlin

High twelves are easy. This is just over 100 mph; requiring about 11 pounds per horsepower. So say 3400 pounds/11 =309 hp. Throw in a half second for street suspension adds another 10 or 15 hp, so ballpark is 325 hp. A hi-comp 340-6bbl was factored 325 back in the day, so for a 360 this is child's play.You can almost do it with bolt-ons and slapper bars.

I gotta warn you though, a Gremlin at 2800 and 350 is 8pounds per horsepower, and you ain't gonna touch it.With an auto that's looking like a possible 116 mph, and that may be in the 11s. But say the Gremlin scales 3000, that would be 8.6 pounds per hp,which might hit 113mphwhich with really crappy suspension will still be tickling 11s, or very low 12s
To compete with him, at a raceweight of 3400(car and driver), and to hit 8.0 pounds per hp, you are gonna need 425hp. That is pushing the envelope for streetability. And of course the budget is G-o-n-e. By the time you got that installed and the chassis tuned you may have chewed through over $8000Us.Probably more.......
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But hold on there! What if he is sandbagging and actually builds 380. 2800/380 =7.37#/hp, and now he is pushing 120 mph, and sneaking up on low 11s, and you are needing 460 hp just to keep up!. You see how this is gonna end, right?
He has a street car. You are gonna need a race-car,Or supercharging..........Or you are gonna have to strip your car down to the bare essentials.OOps that would again make it a race-car.And........back to post #9
I hope you didn't smack-talk him or make any bets..........