Need a part number.... what I hear. Got the itch to start on my bike build. Plan is to rob as much of my softail based chopper that I can and build a more rideable fx- based bike. No more monster rake-stretch. Much more conservative 34* rake with a 2" up stretch. No more "no wheel travel", stiff riding softail. Have had the frame for a while. Have some miscellaneous odds and ends. Decided I was going to figure out the rear fender-fender struts first. Found several sets of FX struts. Decided I better call the frame manufacturer to see if they will work.
Me: Christian, I need a part number for the fender struts.
Christian: Doug, you need the same struts as frame K18003.
Me: I need a part number for the fender struts for frame K18003.
Christian: Just tell the retailer that you need fender struts for a K19204/K18003.
Me: Have been in touch with several of your dealers, they want me to provide the part number, so can I please have a part number.
Christian: Just tell the retailer that you need fender struts for a K19204/K18003

WTF! Have emailed/called numerous shops, everyone but the one I emailed last night have told me without a part number they can't help me. One...well...keep in mind everything this frame manufacturer makes is "special order". One of them, who is a dealer for them told me that they can't do "special orders"....huh?
Emailed a shop in Vegas last night at about 9. Got a reply from him at 10:10. He told me that he will gladly call the manufacturer and figure this out for me....
Hope that this is not some sort of sign of things to come...
Apologies for the length......